Terms of Access
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Terms of Access (the "Terms")
Access to this page (and to any information and documents available on this page, collectively the "Page") is subject to your agreement with the following Terms and is open only for "Intended Addressees" as defined below.
The Page is administered by International Joint-Stock Company Headhunter (the "Administrator").
Nothing on this Page shall constitute or shall be construed as:
(i) an offer, preliminary agreement, option, representation, warranty, promise, undertaking or any other binding instrument;
(ii) an announcement of, or part of, an offering of any securities;
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(iv) advertising or solicitation to purchase or sell any securities or undertake other action; or
(v) an investment recommendation.
The Page is addressed only to and shall be accessed only by the following parties:
(i) the holders of ordinary shares issued by HEADHUNTER GROUP PLC;
(ii) the holders of the American depositary shares representing the ordinary shares of HEADHUNTER GROUP PLC,
or their authorized representatives, collectively — the "Intended Addressees".
If accessing information about the securities issued by a Russian issuer (Russian securities) you may violate any legal restrictions applicable to you, you shall not be considered as the Intended Addressee under these Terms and please ignore the Page.
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The Administrator reserves its right to change and update the Page at any time at its absolute discretion. Any such changes shall have immediate effect unless expressly provided otherwise.
By accessing the Page, you confirm your awareness with the following:
(i) information on the Page may concern Russian securities that are not publicly traded in any jurisdiction;
(ii) investments and operations with securities are associated with risks borne solely by you, any decisions concerning such operations should be taken by you carefully and only after studying all relevant information and, if necessary, after receiving independent legal and investment consultations;
(iii) in addition to factors described in the previous paragraph, it should be noted that in the current situation, any investments and operations with securities may be impeded (or totally blocked) due to regulatory scrutiny and infrastructure limitations;
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